Kids are a whirlwind. If you’re a parent, I don’t need to tell you that. But I may need to remind you that you’re not the only one who occasionally gets lost in the craziness and lets the little things slide. And I’m not just saying that because my son accidentally ended up wearing sneakers that were a size and a half too small for way longer than I’d care to admit.
I think it’s that as parents—and otherwise functional members of society who still have to put on pants every day—our brains can only handle so much. But if we want to hold onto our sanity, we have to do more than just survive.
Sure, to-do lists scribbled on Post-it Notes will get you through the week. But every few months, when the seasons change, it’s helpful to make sure that you’re truly on top of everything. Spring, in particular, is the perfect time to take inventory, refresh, renew and get ahead. Wondering what you should tackle? Here are a few ideas….
- Go through your closets. Swap bulky sweaters for lightweight tops, and stash boots in the back, out of sight. Then donate kids’ clothing that no longer fits—or store it properly if you plan to add to your family.
- Check to see if the kids have outgrown their underwear, shoes and socks. And lucky you—just look at where you’re reading this post!
- Sort and print the pictures on your phone that are worth keeping…before you end up with another thousand that also need to be dealt with.
- Switch out the batteries in fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors, like fire-safety professionals recommend.
- Hide your kids’ toys. This isn’t as mean as it sounds. Simply rotate the current stash of toys with ones that haven’t been played with in a while. Voila! What’s old is new again!
- Organize the heck out of your living room. Invest in stylish storage baskets so that toys can be hidden in plain sight.
- Make a list of upcoming birthdays and buy the necessary cards, gifts and wrapping paper so that you don’t have to run out at the last minute.
- Plan a date night with your significant other. It’s essential for the health of your relationship, and it’s been too long. How do I know? I just do.
- And last but not least, take inventory of yourself: Do you need a haircut? A few items to update your wardrobe? A day off so that you don’t lose your mind? In taking care of your little ones every day, it’s easy to forget that Mama needs love, too!
A little organization can go a long way toward making sure that you’ve got everything covered—and let you spend your time doing the things that you really want to be doing.
A guest post by Dawn Yanek of Momsanity.com