Hi! My name is Mackenzie and I am so excited to be contributing to the Lucky & Me blog today! My husband, Justin, and I have two little girls and I blog about our everyday lives over at Baby by Oakley. I also happen to work from home on a full-time basis so my days are spent multitasking between work commitments and keeping the little ones busy and engaged.
We love the holidays around here and we're all about incorporating them into our daily grind. My three-year-old daughter, Gracyn, is big on asking what holiday is "next." It started after her birthday in January and since then, we've been celebrating everything here and there. Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, and now Easter!
One of our favorite Easter-inspired snacks (next to the Butterfinger eggs and Starburst jelly beans, of course...) are Jello Jiggler Eggs! My mom has had the egg molds pictured below for several years - I remember making these as a kid - and she passed it down to me last year. I found similar ones for sale on Ebay but I think you could use an egg-shaped baking mold like this one from Amazon to get the same effect. Or, even craftier, use a few of those plastic eggs like this blogger did!

Gracyn helped pick out the flavors and we spent one morning this week preparing our eggs to be had for an afternoon snack. The girls loved them as much as I remember loving them as a kid!

Like a lot of moms, Target is my weakness. While I was perusing the aisles last week, I was suckered into picking up a few Easter goodies. I mean, glitter and gold eggs?! C'mon! I also love Target for their easy craft kits that coordinate with the holidays as well. I like to have a few of these on hand at all times in case I need to set Gracyn up with an activity while I finish work or start dinner. They're usually easy enough for her to do on her own and at around $5 a piece, they don't break the bank.

Easter isn't the same without dyed eggs, am I right?! To be honest, I was kind of terrified of trying this activity with small kiddos running around. Flashes of dyed water spilling onto the kitchen floor or onto our clothing kept haunting me. But, I figured we'd give it a shot!

We boiled some eggs and got everything prepared, out of arm's reach of a certain one-year-old roaming around. Gracyn was so excited to drop the eggs into the water! She was so patient and careful and kept asking to see the colored eggs.

After they were dry, Gracyn insisted on lining them up on her plate. She got a little rough and ended up cracking a few but that just made it easier to peel and enjoy the fruits of our labor!

By Mackenzie of Baby by Oakley.