My oldest son turns 5 in October, and today had his last swimming lesson of the summer. It’s midway through August and the back-to-school blog articles are in full force on my Facebook news feed. This year, when it comes to back-to-school obligations, I’m still sitting out and watching as other parents get in the school groove. As my son’s last year of preschool kicks off, my emotions about the subject are still buried underneath knowing that I have just one more year of my boy being truly little.
I’d be lying if I said I felt these emotions at all last year. Sure, I got a little sad when he moved up to preschool, but I still wasn’t thinking about the day he’d go to kindergarten.
Even though kindergarten is still pretty far away, I’m getting tempted to want to pump the brakes. It’s not real yet, but I’m thinking about it enough to wonder how it’s coming so fast. Between now and then, I’ll be making sure I take advantage of this time while both my kids are still little. Here is how I’m enjoying my last preschool back to school season.
Having a semi-relaxed routine Sure, he has a preschool curriculum, but I’m forgiven if I get him there after 9am. There are still no buses to catch and lunches to pack (his preschool cooks their lunch), so it’s okay if I let him sleep in on a Monday morning. I’m enjoying this while I still can. I remember running to catch the bus on a regular basis when I was in school, and I’m pretty positive it’ll be that way with my kids too, so I’m not worrying so much about our schedule for the time being.
Relishing in the sameness My child stays in the same preschool room as last year. It’s the first year since he started daycare that there was no summertime room transition. He’s now a “big kid” in class, and will say goodbye to his friends going to kindergarten, but he won’t have to get used to a new teacher or environment. He doesn’t do well with change (obviously neither do I), so I’m very thankful for this.
Snuggling Both my boys are big snuggle bugs, and I will take advantage of this until after it is borderline ridiculous. I will hold my preschooler in my arms until I can’t anymore, and snuggle with both of them on the couch until puberty if they let me.
Not taking the obligatory back to school photos. Well, I’m always taking photos, but these photos won’t be “back to school” photos that I post on social media to commemorate the day. I’m not buying new backpacks, and I’ll continue to buy them new shoes and clothing only when they need it. He won’t have a special outfit for his first day of preschool, since it will just feel like a regular Monday to us. That stuff can wait.
Empathizing with my fellow moms. My friend has a daughter just a few months older than my son, and she heads off to kindergarten next week. We spent 20 minutes talking about it the other day. “She’s going to walk onto an actual school bus and go to an actual elementary school,” she said. “How are we going to do this?” I replied, shaking my head. Sure, we made it seem like we were sort of kidding.. but.. a school bus? Our children will be driven away from us on a school bus? It’s a lot to take in, and I am feeling for my fellow moms who are going through it now. I’m thankful that my oldest has one more year of preschool, and I’m going to enjoy every moment this last year has to offer. Okay, I’ll enjoy next year too, but I’ll probably be crying through most of it.
By Stacey.